While the original Dr. Dabber Boost is now a thing of the past, it paved the way for the cutting-edge Boost EVO, one of the most advanced e-nail vaporizers available today. Meticulously redesigned from the ground up, the Carrots Boost EVO Vaporizer seamlessly integrates Dr. Dabber's exclusive e-rig technology, all with the aim of delivering the perfect dabbing experience. Achieving that flawless dab each time you use your vaporizer is a critical metric that often gets overlooked by other companies.
In contrast to most electric dab rig vaporizers on the market with limited temperature control, the Carrots Boost Evo stands out with its patent-pending built-in temperature control sensor. This sensor regulates heating in a way unlike any other vaporizer we've encountered. The Limited Edition Carrots Boost EVO Vaporizer offers six temperature settings, boasting a generous heat range of 500°F-750°F, all precisely calibrated and guaranteed by the temperature control sensor. These preset heat settings were chosen based on extensive feedback from tens of thousands of Boost users, ensuring that your Carrots Boost EVO delivers consistent and accurate performance every time.
What sets this vaporizer apart is not just its advanced technology but also its impressive features. It includes a magnetic quartz dish atomizer, an all-glass vapor pathway, a borosilicate glass water filtration attachment, interchangeable glass accessories, stunning RGB ambient lighting, and a surprisingly long-lasting battery that provides over 60 hits on a single charge. The Dr. Dabber Boost EVO Carrots Edition is undeniably the next-generation electric dab rig.
Compared to the original Boost and Boost Black edition vaporizers, the Dr. Dabber Boost EVO Carrots Edition is slightly larger and resembles a hybrid between the Boost and their larger desktop unit, the Dr. Dabber Switch. Measuring 4 inches tall by 3 inches wide at the base and standing at approximately 8 inches in height, it features grip pads on the sides for enhanced ergonomics. Plus, it comes ready for your adventures with the exclusive Carrots Travel Bag. Elevate your dabbing experience in style with the limited edition Dr. Dabber Boost EVO Carrots Edition E-Rig!